by Jonny

Another segment from the journal:

    Have I ever learned a balance without first going to both extremes, or at least dipping into them?

(Examples of balances include the balance of: work vs. rest, alone time vs. fellowship, worrying vs. not caring at all)

   There have been times when I have over-thought things, and have consequentially lived in anxiety. There have also been times in my life when I have not cared at all, and I really don’t know which one is worse. Usually, I tend to be cautious and thoughtful, which means I tend to err on the side of worrying, more-so than I err on the side of not caring at all.

    By faith, I know that God has been with me through these times, shaping me and preparing me. I still believe that he is with me now, and is molding me for whatever he has prepared.

   A new balance: Reminiscing vs. distraction from the present and the future.

I like to reminisce. The times past seem much sweeter now that It’s done and I can look back on it, but it can sometimes be a distraction from what I am doing in the present in preparation for the future.

   There is also the balance of healthy “distraction vs. unhealthy distraction”

Distractions are needed. At times I am so absorbed in something that I am working on that my mind just needs a rest. So, in this case, a distraction like playing the guitar or watching a Youtube video can be very positive. On the other hand, it can become unhealthy when I start to use the distractions to find escape from reality and the work that I am doing. There is a healthy balance to be found here.

   Thanks for taking the time to read and ponder.
