I’ve got a woman…

by Jonny

It’s easy to knock fairy tail love until you’re in one. I know that I’m in love when I can’t stop getting the Shrek soundtrack out of my head. Megan is one of a kind. She has blown my mind of everything that I thought that I knew about girls. Being single last March, I decided to go out with this girl who shared my love for used book stores. We went to the VMFA for Jazz night and sat down on the vents because there were no open seats. The Jazz band was already playing, and she asked if we were going to dance. Of course we were going to dance! This was my first dance with her, and the moment that I fell in love. I leaned in that night before walking home to kiss her on the cheek, and she gently redirected me to her lips, thinking that I had missed. No, I didn’t miss, I was just being conservative. Anyway, from that moment I was addicted. I took every chance I could get to hang out with her, play her songs, watch shows, and have picnics. We went to the river, went out to eat, and went on walks around the neighborhood. At the end of the month, we decided to start calling each other girlfriend and boyfriend. I wrote a song about her, expressing my desire for it to be a lasting love. I wrote heartfelt poems expressing my feelings. At first, I was afraid to share these items with her, fearing that I would be coming on too strong. Eventually, I decided to show her my poems, hoping that she would enjoy them if not for a good laugh then at least for some appreciation of my attempt at the art of expressing my feelings. I could not have dreamed of what her reaction would be. I wasn’t able to finish reading the book of poems because she had broken down crying, and it was a good cry. She really appreciated them and from that night on, I knew that we had something really special.

Last Thursday, I proposed to this girl, because I can’t imagine my life without her, and she makes me so happy everyday.

So this is for us, back scratching, guitar playing, coffee drinking, dancing, praying and crying together for the rest of our lives!

I love you Megan Shanesy!

